Thursday, July 24, 2008

We went to OT today and I find myself being surprised that AJ has delays in motor planning, for example, she has a hard time drawing diagonal lines. I find myself thinking that it is just baffling that she would have a hard time with this. She is so smart and I see where she has problems when she is tired and makes funny squinting faces and stumbles around. You can tell she has autism then. She does use route phrases and speaks as though reciting lines from a movie. But these phrasees make sense and are in context and I am used to them. The way she speaks is "cute" and sometimes her memorized sentences sound very smart. So when I see a little handwriting test and see how far behind she is with some very seemingly obvious things, I am surprised and it makes me a bit worried. I think about her amazing drawings, yet, she is years behind in drawing a diagonal line. It doesn't make much sense since she draws houses with diagonal roofs on them. I don't know. So we are going to do, "handwriting without tears" and she started some worksheets today. She had a hard time doing the letters in the right order or things, such as, when she writes letters, usually it is like she is drawing them as a picture and she does the sequencing out of order and odly, but the letter ends up looking how it is supposed to, but more interesting in my opinion. So with this program she is learning the right sequencing and not just creating her own alphabet letters. That will help her in Kindergarten.

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