Monday, December 8, 2008

The Soy Experiment Continues

We are still soy-free and she is still clear of fog. It hasn't helped her tantrums or explosions, she still gets those. But she has not stumbled around in a daze since that last day after I gave her the gfcf waffles with soy in them and she was a zombie. I don't use margerine anymore because it doesn't exist without soy in it. I use organic vegetable shortening on her toast. We have bee using a lot more olive oil too because she really likes it and it is good for her. She seems to not have had any awful sensory issues recently, just normal levels, no awful sudden spikes for no reason I can figure out.

I have been slacking on her b12 shots. She was going through this awful back lash to it, screaming while we held her down to give her the shot. So it has been about a week since her last one and I'm feeling a bit guilty about it. I'm wondering if that will help her language and maybe her ability to not freak out over transitioning if I get the shots going again.

She has done a few different ticks over the past few weeks but seems to have settled on a cough that comes mostly at night. Someone suggested that it is a calming tool for herself. I hope that is right and it is not that she is uncomfortable and kept up by her cough.

I really hope that being strict about her soy is the key to keeping the fog clear. I love that she hasn't been stumbling around recently. She has been having little conversations with O over the past few days. In the car home from her school today she asked him about 3 questions about his day and his class at school.

I have been printing out worksheets so that she can work on her handwriting. She writes her Y's backwards in her name all the time and they don't seem to be working on correcting that at school. So we have been practicing at home and I have some gfcfsf chocolate chips that she gets after completing her worksheets. I hang them up on the wall too and switch them out each day. After she finally gets her name right and neat and tidy then we will start working on her last name with includes a backwards S. She writes lots of her numbers backwards too so that is behind her S's.

I have been getting O to do the worksheets too. He is very advanced in everything except handwriting, which I mean, he is only 3 so it doesn't matter. But it will be nice to practice so that he can start to write all of his good ideas down. I know he has the brain for it, I'm just not sure about the hand coordination since he is so young.

2 weeks until my younger sister's wedding. I have so much to do. AJ is doing her strange cough over and over and over.


Kathi said...

I am finding out how nasty soy is. My child loves Glutino pretzels and, even though it is just the soy lecithin and not the protein, still, I wonder...I may try going soy-free. Sounds like you have had amazing results.

Also, we have changed my son's B12 shots about 4 times (different preparations) and FINALLY got the right one. Sometimes you have to do that.

me said...

I am hoping that companies that make GFCF products will start to also leave out the soy lecithin as it gets to be more widely, um, rejected. I wish I could give AJ those pretzels, she loves them too.

That is interesting that you tried different b12 shots? I didn't know there were different types. We finally gave her one today and DH had to hold her while I did it but she didn't scream or cry thank goodness. I think that this kind of b12 does help her, it is just that giving it to her has been such a challenge lately that is is easy to put it off and off and off.