Friday, February 8, 2008

first b12 shot

I was pretty nervous so I watched a couple of youtube videos about giving the shots. It looked pretty easy. I took the syringe out of the fridge 15 minutes before I gave it so that it wasn't cold going in. Then when I felt like I was ready and went and got my mom out of her room and asked if she wanted to come and watch. DH was asleep so it was me and mom. I held the syringe like I was shown on the video, like a dart, getting my index finger ready to push the b12 stuff in. A.J. had been asleep for about 45 minutes so I hoped she wouldn't wake up. I read to use the upper outer potion of the buttocks. So I just gave the shot and it was very easy. She didn't even stir.

I marked it on the calendar so I remember when to do the next one. I'm glad that mom watched and saw that it wasn't a big deal so she could do it if she needed to. My Dad came up this evening. He has a job interview tomorrow. If he gets the job he will be able to move here so that he and mom can be together and get a house. I am looking forward to them starting a life here in town, and having their own house.

I hope these shots help A.J. I hope they are the "magic bullet" but I have a feeling they probably aren't. She is such a great "responder" to the other treatments that parents have told me about so I hope hope hope hope that she is to this also. I want her to be happy.


1 comment:

Laura said...

Congrats on the first shot! I started them with my son in August, and noticed within a few weeks that his verbal skills were definitely improving. He doesn't wake up during the shots, but every once in a while he'll grab his pajama bottoms when I come sit on the bed, even though he's asleep! I did notice a difference with the shots, but we're still trying new things! I started chelating both of us (I had 8 mercury fillings removed before my NT son was born, so I'm sure I have lots of crap in my body still!) in January using the Andy Cutler method, if you want to google him. I can't tell a difference yet for either of us, but I'm still hoping! I go through phases were I get down and lose hope for a little while, but I keep looking for new things, and I don't think I'll ever give up! I'm also reading Bryan Jepson's Changing the Course of Autism which has lots of good information on biomedical treatments.