Tuesday, April 7, 2009

not just a plugged milk duct

I went to see my midwife, Lilly, this morning. When I called yesterday and told her about the lump in my breast she said I could come in today if I was worried about it. So I did and when she checked me out she said that I was right and this was not a plugged milk duct but a mass and that I needed to go to a specialist. She referred me to a radiologist who also does ultrasounds and such. After the exam she walked me up to the front desk. She is a big woman and her voice is rather booming. She said loudly to the receptionist and pretty much everyone in the waiting room, "Call to get her an appt. She has a mass in the left breast, she is breastfeeding, see that the Dr. gets her in as soon as she can." 
When I walked through the waiting room to leave, with Emmy in her car seat, I felt like everyone was looking at me and I felt like I was in a bad dream.

So now I wait for the phone call for the appt. But I'm not going to wait. I will call the radiologist office tomorrow and set up the appt since I don't have too much faith in front desk operations and procedures. I have a few very good reasons why I can't die of breast cancer and my biggest one is my child with autism. DH said something kind of weird. I know he is terrified and he said, you don't have anything to worry about, I'm the one who has something to worry about...implying that he doesn't want to be left a single father of three kids. It was kind of a joke but a little alarming anyway. 

I'm not going to mention anything to my  mom or younger sister until I get the all clear or otherwise, because they don't need to do the waiting game with me. I wish I could talk to my older sister about this. If I prayed... I would pray about this.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

The same scenario is happening to my dear niece who had a blocked milk duct when she was nursing her now 20 month old daughter. She has a lump in the same spot as the blocked duct and the news is not good. Her oncologist said "I wish someone would do a study on this because I have a lot of patients that this is happening to especially if they get pregnant in their later years." My niece was 38 at the time. Why then are obgyns encouraging these women to nurse if this is such a problem???